WinGPS Service Card

The WinGPS Service Card is a card that Stentec released every year and was exclusively available to WinGPS 5 licensees. By purchasing this card you were entitled to all updates of WinGPS 5 of the year of the Service Card. Think of additions & improvements to the route network, bridges & locks and new functions in WinGPS 5. You could also make use of great discounts and benefits.

Would you also like to receive the new version (including associated updates) of your WinGPS 5/6 in 2024? Then you can opt for the new Premium Subscription.

The WinGPS Service Card 2022 was available until March 20, 2022.

Do you have the Service Card 2022? Then you will have received the upgrade to WinGPS 6 - 2022 for free in December 2022. To keep your WinGPS 6 up to date in 2024 and to use the latest functionalities, we recommend the Premium Subscription.

NV-Verlag series

NV-Verlag is a publisher of paper navigational charts which include digital versions of the same chart set. These digital charts can be used in WinGPS 5 and connect seemlessly with Stentecs DKW charts.

The most popular NV-Verlag chart sets are those of the Baltic Sea. These are complete sets with paper charts, digital charts and harbour pilots. The clear chart image is perfect for planning routes and viewing your current location.

Covering area

The different NV-Verlag chart sets cover the following areas:

  • Baltic Sea and Kattegat. Including the Göta channel.
  • North See coast: Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom and Norway.
  • Northeast Germany: inland waters.
  • Meditteranean coast: Spain, France, Italy and Croatia.
  • Atlantic Ocean coast: United Kingdom, France, Northern Spain and Portugal. Including Cape Verde, Madeira, Azores and Canary Islands.
  • Eastcoast United States. Including the Bermuda Islands.
  • Atlantic crossing.
  • Caribbean.

Please mind: these water charts are delivered as paper charts including a download code. For use on an Android tablet we recommend the use of our DKW charts. The NV-Verlags chart sets are as of now not compatible with WinGPS Marine. Follow this link for an installation guide for NV-Verlag charts in WinGPS 5 on your Windows laptop or PC.

DKW Imray series

Since 2009 Stentec Software publishes the famous Imray charts digitally. These are based on the paper charts and feature the same well known Imray colors.

Covering area
The following DKW Imray charts are available:

  • DKW ID10 English & Scottish Eastcoast
  • DKW ID20 English Channel
  • DKW ID30 British Westcoast & Ireland
  • DKW ID40 Alantic coast France, Portugal to Gibraltar
  • DKW ID50 Mediterranean West
  • DKW ID60 Mediterranean Central
  • DKW ID70 Mediterranean East
  • DKW ID100 Caribbean East

Detailed screenshots

Depth image

The depths are shown in the recognizable Imray colors: deep waters are blue and shallows are shown in whites. This configuration is the opposite of the DKW 1800, DKW German Bight and DKW English & Scottish Eastcoast.

Stentec publishes the DKW Imray series annually. All data is supplied by Imray. During the edition year 2 free updates are published in April and July, giving you the most up-to-date charts during your voyage.

Chart image

All products in the DKW Imray series

Click on an image for more information about the chart set.

English & Scottish Eastcoast

English Channel

British Westcoast & Ireland

France, Portugal to Gibraltar

Mediterranean West

Mediterranean Central

Mediterranean East

Caribbean East

Read about the annual changes made to the charts via the link(s) below.

System requirements

Windows laptop or PC:
  • Official WinGPS 5 version
  • Between 580 MB and 1,3 GB free disc space
  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
  • Official WinGPS Marine version
  • Between 580 MB and 1,3 GB free disc space
  • Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM

This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS 5 Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS 5 Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.

DKW UK1 English & Scottish Eastcoast

The DKW UK1 English & Scottish Eastcoast is developed for sailors, motorboaters and commercial shipping. The chart gives a clear view of the entire English and Scottish Eastcoast and is ideal in combination with the paid versions of WinGPS. You can easily and quickly plan routes on the North Sea and the British coast.

Covering area

The detailed charts in this chart set cover the English coast from Dover to Northern Scotland. The Thames is covered past London up until Teddington. Including passage charts for the North sea, the English Channel, Orkney and the Shetland Islands. This chart set has more detail than the DKW Imray ID10.

Depth image

This chart set has a unique and clear depth image. The chart is published annually by Stentec, based on OpenStreetMap, IENC charts and user remarks. The chart has a high level of detail with 2 meter per pixel, making it possible to zoom in up until the jetties at your home port.

This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o.

  • 1 Overview chart (scale 1:150.000, 8m/pixel).
  • 239 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (scale 1:7.200, 2m/pixel).

System requirements

Windows laptop or PC:
  • Official WinGPS version
  • 1,2 GB free disc space
  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 11 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
  • Official WinGPS Marine version
  • 1,2 GB free disc space
  • Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM

This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.

Hybrid charts for added safety

Our new DKW IENC Germany charts are available now in our online shop. The new hybrid charts in DKW format are recommended for navigation on the German rivers.

Hybrid charts offer the best of both worlds; the fast chart processing of raster charts and the clear waypoints of vector charts. While installing the charts, we automatically install a waypoint database. This database is seperate from the charts, so even when you rotate the chart, the waypoints will be clear. Updating your WinGPS 5 and DKW Manager is needed for showing the waypoint database.

We recommend WinGPS 5 Navigator, Pro or Voyager in combination with the DKW IENC charts thanks to the network of (a.o.) Rhine, Saar and Moessel.

We would appreciate input from our users to improve our first version. Feel free to


Rhein (Lobith-Iffezheim), Ruhr, Rhein-Herne-Kanal, Wesel-Datteln-Kanal, Mosel, Saar, Main, Main-Donau-kanaal, Donau en Neckar. 

From €69,90

Klik om te vergroten

Shows kilometers, VHF channels and signs.

DKW 1800 series

Since 1999 Stentec Software produces the digital versions of the Dutch hydroraphical charts. Thanks to the weekly BaZ Update Service you will always have the latest, most up-to-date charts.

At a time like this, where there is no certainty about the releases of the paper 1800 chart series by the Dutch Hydrographic Services, this is a unique product. With the free weekly update service and the ability to use the charts on Windows devices as well as on Android devices, an up-to-date chart of these busy and unpredictable waters is always at hand. As soon as a new paper version of a chart set is released, users can download these directly in digital form. If desired, the charts can also be printed for personal use.

The Waddensea charts DKW 1811 and DKW 1812 are supplied with monthly updated depth marks from Rijkswaterstaat. Great when sailing on the tidal waters of the Wadden Sea.

Covering area
The following DKW1800 series are included in this set:

  • DKW 1801 Northsea coast: the Panne to Den Helder
  • DKW 1803 Westerschelde: Vlissingen to Antwerpen
  • DKW 1805 Oosterschelde: Veerse Meer and Grevelingenmeer
  • DKW 1807 Zoommeer, Volkerak, Spui, Haringvliet and Hollandsch Diep
  • DKW 1810 IJsselmeer: Markermeer, Randmeren and Noordzeekanaal
  • DKW 1811 Wadden Sea West: Wadden Sea West and adjourning North Sea coast
  • DKW 1812 Wadden Sea East: Wadden Sea East and adjourning North Sea coast

The DKW 1809 is no longer issued by the Hydrographic Service. This chart set covered the area: Nieuwe Waterweg, Nieuwe and Oude Maas, Spui and Noord Dordtsche Kil and the Brielse Meer. You can now use the DKW Vaarkaart Nederland (Complete or South) for this area. More info about the DKW Vaarkaart Nederland can be found here .

Depth image

The DKW 1800 series contains a clear depth image and is the same as the well known paper version of the 1800 charts. Deep water is white and shallows are shown in different colors.

Stentec publishes the DKW 1800 series annually. The data is provided by the Dutch hydrographic service and the free weekly updates are based on the 'BaZ - Berichten aan Zeevarenden' (NtM - Notices to Mariners). User remarks are also screened and added to the charts which makes these chart sets the most up-to-date chart for the Dutch coastal waters.

This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o.

  • 8 Overview chart (scale 1:300.000, 32m/pixel).
  • 218 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (min. scale 1:10.000, 1m/pixel).

All products in the DKW 1800 series
Click on an image for more information.

DKW 1800 Complete

DKW 1800 North

DKW 1800 South

DKW 1801:
North Sea coast

DKW 1803:

DKW 1805:

DKW 1807:
Haringvliet and
Hollandsch Diep

DKW 1809:
Nieuwe waterweg

DKW 1810:

DKW 1811:
Wadden Sea west

DKW 1812:
Wadden Sea east

System requirements

Windows laptop or PC:
  • Official WinGPS version
  • 350 MB free disc space
  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
  • Official WinGPS Marine version
  • 350 MB free disc space
  • Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM

This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.

DKW the Netherlands

The DKW The Netherlands is developed for sailors, motorboaters and commercial use. The DKW The Netherlands is the most up-to-date inland water chart, thanks to all available updates throughout the year.

All Dutch inland waters are incorporated: the salty waters of Zeeland, the stirring rivers of Limburg and the small canoe fosses in Friesland. The DKW the Netherlands is great in combination with a paid version of WinGPS. Use the route network for a quick and easy way to plan routes along the Dutch inland waters.

More information regarding this chart set can be found below the detailed images.

Covering area

In this chart set you will find all Dutch inland waterways. 3 extra detailed charts are added for the Friese Meren, the Biesbosch and the waterways in and around Amsterdam.

Depth image

This chart set has a unique and clear depth image with distinctly colored depth surfaces on the lakes and depth numbers along the waterways. The chart is published annually by Stentec, based on the Top10NL data from the Kadaster, Inland ENC charts, Rijkswaterstaat and user remarks. The chart has a high level of detail with 2 meter per pixel, making it possible to zoom in up until the jetties at your home port.

This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o. 

  • 4 Overview charts (scale 1:30.000, 8m/pixel)
  • 4 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (scale 1:7.500, 2m/pixel). 
  • 4 Highly detailed charts for Friese Meren, Amsterdam, Biesbosch and Westeinderplassen (approx. scale 1:3.000, 0.8m/pixel).

Chart image

Stentecs inland water charts are so-called hybrid charts. The bottom surface is a raster format. This is where a.o. the quays, depths and buildings are shown. All other navigational information is projected on top of this through waypoints. These waypoints remain the same size when zooming in or out. The chart can be fully personalized by adding or removing certain waypoint groups and showing you only the information you select.

The DKW Vaarkaart Nederland contains waypoints, including a.o. buoys, harbours, moorings, Marrekrite moorings, diesel tank stations, watersport campsites, VHF channels, electric chargers ‘Elektrisch Varen’ and ‘Varen Doe Je Samen’ nodes.

Specifically for commercial shipping waterway signs and VIN moorings are added.

System Requirements:
Please check via the link below whether your device is
suitable for this chart and WinGPS.

This chart can be used in the free WinGPS Lite for Windows and can also be installed on the WinGPS Marine apps for Android and iOS. For accurate route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need at least WinGPS Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.

More and more skippers have bought an iPad or Android tablet to use onboard.

It is not possible to install WinGPS on your tablet for now but it can be used as an extra monitor. By using an external program like iDisplay, you can turn your tablet into a navigation device. Zooming and operating WinGPS is done easily with your fingers.

The iPad/tablet does not need to have GPS or 3G, making even the cheapest iPad suitable. Bluetooth needs to be turned off on the iPad.

An advantageous and simple solution, tested by our users, is an iPad connected to a Windows 7 netbook. Connectify turns your netbook into a Wifi hotspot, which allows you to communicate with your tablet onboard.

In the figure to the right you see a Navbook which is connected trough a Bluetooth multiplexer to the (Raymarine) system. This also shows AIS targets. The laptop is connected to a Wifi access point so communication can go to and from the iPad. The iPad does not only show our position but the AIS targets and our polar diagram as well.

Below is a video of an iPad onboard. We thank the skipper of Eelske Medde.


Your comments and experiences with tables is apreciated. We would like to share them with other users.

Send an e-mail to

WinGPS Chart apps

In addition to Stentecs digital charts for Windows we also provide chart apps for Android devices. In these chart apps it is only possible to install and use the individual charts.

WinGPS Marine

These chart apps are based on the technology behind WinGPS Marine. If you want more information on your chart view (such as tidal information or AIS) or if you want multiple charts in the same view you can use WinGPS Marine.

Replacement for paper charts

Stentecs chart apps are designed as a replacement for the paper chart sets. A large tablet is preferable as it has the largest possible chart view. With a built in GPS receiver the chart will move along with your position on your screen and you will always see your current position, speed and course. Place a navigational waypoint on the chart view and receive a 'course to steer' onscreen.

The app can also be used in Android smartphones (for quick position checks) and makes it ideal for use on dinghies, charterers and for passengers.

Water chart license

You can download the chart apps from the Google Play store. After the chart set has been purchased and connected to your Stentec account they can also be used in our main navigation app, WinGPS Marine. Or on your Windows system with WinGPS 5 (Lite, Navigator, Pro of Voyager).

DKW Friese Meren

With this chart set you can navigate the popular Friese Meren for Fryslân. This chart set is free of charge and can be downloaded from the Google Play store.


DKW 1800 Series

With this chart set you can replace the paper versions of the 1800 series created by the Dutch Hydrographical Service. This app is available per chart set or in combination packages.

From € 24,90

DKW New Zealand

Navigational app with detailed and actual digital watercharts for New Zealand from the British Admiralty. For motor boaters, sailors and commercial shipping.


DKW Imray

These digital Imray charts are based on the well-known paper charts and have the same color coding. The advantage of these charts is the large covering area per chart set.

This is an overview of some of our chart apps. These are not all chart apps we have available for your Android device. When you buy a (DKW) water chart in our online shop, you can use this in combination with WinGPS Marine for Android or iOS, or in WinGPS for Windows. Click here for a chart overview.

WinGPS Marine

After purchasing WinGPS Marine, you will unlock the full capabilities of your personal navigation system. You are now able to plot routes, download GRIB files, save previous tracks and connect AIS and GPS. Use the handy time table to view the predicted wind, rain, air pressure and AIS targets. The functions described below are in addition to the functions of WinGPS Marine Lite.

Route Navigation

With this app you can create routes and edit them while on the move. Longpress the screen to create a single waypoint or multiple to create a route. You can create multiple routes, and give each route and routepoint a unique name.

Track management

You can automatically record the sailed tracks. The tracks will be saved to review or share later. You can give each sailed track a unique name.

Meteo data

You can download Meteo predictions for a selected area. The wind, air pressure and rainfall can be plotted on the chart view using downloadable GRIB information.

AIS (Automatic Identification System)

Your AIS receiver can communicate with the app using a wireless connection using WIFI or Bluetooth. With AIS you see all surrounding ships plotted on the chart view. You can also bring up the targets in a list, and if you tap a ship's name you can see all the AIS target data. The built-in AIS collision alarm helps you in making important decisions.

Time Bar

By using the time bar you can see the prediction on your track. By sliding it forward you will see the upcoming weather, and tidal information if available.

Follow GPS position

When this function is activated, your GPS position will be centered on your screen and the underlying chart will move under it. Multiple following options are available: 'North up', 'Course up' & 'Compass mode'.

NOAA Tiles

Activate the NOAA Tiles in your chart manager. When you have a working internet connection all available NOAA charts will automatically be shown.

System requirements
Check whether your device is suitable for WinGPS via the link below.

Do you have any questions?
Call us on +31 515 443515, fill in the contact form or make an appointment at our store in Heeg.
More information.


Get €20 off the Premium Subscription now and keep your journey on course with the latest WinGPS! Plan your routes with even more ease: the 2025 edition of...
Includes free updates – download now! The 2025 editions of the DKW German Bight and DKW German Baltic Sea Coast are now available! With the included updates,...
New charts are available! The 2025 edition of the renewed DKW Southern France and the DKW UK1 English & Scottisch East Coast are now available for download....
Stentec 35 years

Stentec Navigation is specialised in digital navigation for water sporters and commercial shipping.

Sail simulator

Sail Simulator 5
In 2009 Stentec proudly presented the latest version of the Sail Simulator 5 at HISWA: an extremely realistic sailing experience on your computer. Ideal for learning purposes or getting through the offseason.

  • Easy and flexible user interface.
  • Stable multiplayer server for long distance regattas.
  • Realistic aerodynamics with wind shear and twist.
  • True to nature wave field and sea wearthiness.
Sail simulator