Since 2009 Stentec Software publishes the famous Imray charts digitally. These are based on the paper charts and feature the same well known Imray colors.
Covering area
Ireland and the westcoast of Great Britain is covered. From the Orkney Islands up until Plymouth.
Depth image
The depths are shown in the recognizable Imray colors: deep waters are blue and shallows are shown in whites. This configuration is the opposite of the DKW 1800, DKW German Bight and DKW English & Scottish Eastcoast.
Stentec publishes the DKW Imray series annually. All data is supplied by Imray. During the edition year 2 free updates are published in April and July, giving you the most up-to-date charts during your voyage.
This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o.
303 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (min. scale 1:5.000).
Chart image
The DKW Imray series are comprised of raster charts. Because of this, the charts are an exact copy of the paper versions and you will see pixels when zoomed in to the maximum amount. The advantage of this is that all information, for example buoyage or shallows, are projected on the exact coordinates. When using vector charts a misleading image can show up when zooming in.
All products in the DKW Imray series
All products in the DKW Imray series
DKW ID10 English & Scottish Eastcoast
DKW ID20 English Channel
DKW ID30 British Westcoast & Ireland
DKW ID40 France, Portugal to Gibraltar
DKW ID50 Mediterranean West
DKW ID60 Mediterranean Central
DKW ID70 Mediterranean East
DKW ID100 Caribbean East
System requirements
Windows laptop or PC:
Official WinGPS 5 version
1,3 GB free disc space
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
Official WinGPS Marine version
1,3 GB free disc space
Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM
This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS 5 Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS 5 Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.
DKW ID70: Mediterranean East
Since 2009 Stentec Software publishes the famous Imray charts digitally. These are based on the paper charts and feature the same well known Imray colors.
Covering area
The Mediterranean coast on the Aegean Sea: the coast from Southeast Greece to the westcoast of Turkey.
Depth image
The depths are shown in the recognizable Imray colors: deep waters are blue and shallows are shown in whites. This configuration is the opposite of the DKW 1800, DKW German Bight and DKW English & Scottish Eastcoast.
Stentec publishes the DKW Imray series annually. All data is supplied by Imray. During the edition year 2 free updates are published in April and July, giving you the most up-to-date charts during your voyage.
This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o.
141 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (min. scale 1:5.000).
Chart image
The DKW Imray series are comprised of raster charts. Because of this, the charts are an exact copy of the paper versions and you will see pixels when zoomed in to the maximum amount. The advantage of this is that all information, for example buoyage or shallows, are projected on the exact coordinates. When using vector charts a misleading image can show up when zooming in.
All products in the DKW Imray series
DKW ID10 English & Scottish Eastcoast
DKW ID20 English Channel
DKW ID30 British Westcoast & Ireland
DKW ID40 France, Portugal to Gibraltar
DKW ID50 Mediterranean West
DKW ID60 Mediterranean Central
DKW ID70 Mediterranean East
DKW ID100 Caribbean East
System requirements
Windows laptop or PC:
Official WinGPS 5 version
660 MB free disc space
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
Official WinGPS Marine version
660 MB free disc space
Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM
This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS 5 Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS 5 Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.
DKW ID10: English & Scottish Eastcoast
Since 2009 Stentec Software publishes the famous Imray charts digitally. These are based on the paper charts and feature the same well known Imray colors.
Covering area
From Dover up until the Orkney Islands, including passages to the Netherlands, Belgian and German coast. This chart set contains less details than the DKW UK1 English & Scottish Eastcoast. In particular on the Thames past London up until Teddington.
Depth image
The depths are shown in the recognizable Imray colors: deep waters are blue and shallows are shown in whites. This configuration is the opposite of the DKW 1800, DKW German Bight and DKW English & Scottish Eastcoast.
Stentec publishes the DKW Imray series annually. All data is supplied by Imray. During the edition year 2 free updates are published in April and July, giving you the most up-to-date charts during your voyage.
This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o.
159 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (min. scale 1:3.000).
Chart image
The DKW Imray series are comprised of raster charts. Because of this, the charts are an exact copy of the paper versions and you will see pixels when zoomed in to the maximum amount. The advantage of this is that all information, for example buoyage or shallows, are projected on the exact coordinates. When using vector charts a misleading image can show up when zooming in.
All products in the DKW Imray series
DKW ID10 English & Scottish Eastcoast
DKW ID20 English Channel
DKW ID30 British Westcoast & Ireland
DKW ID40 France, Portugal to Gibraltar
DKW ID50 Mediterranean West
DKW ID60 Mediterranean Central
DKW ID70 Mediterranean East
DKW ID100 Caribbean East
System requirements
Windows laptop or PC:
Official WinGPS 5 version
670 MB free disc space
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
Official WinGPS Marine version
670 MB free disc space
Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM
This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS 5 Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS 5 Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.
DKW ID40: Atlantic coast France, Portugal to Gibraltar
Since 2009 Stentec Software publishes the famous Imray charts digitally. These are based on the paper charts and feature the same well known Imray colors.
Covering area
The Atlantic coast from Morlaix on the French coast up until Gibraltar, including the Canary Islands and Azores. Also a small part of the English coast near Plymouth and the Isles of Scilly.
Depth image
The depths are shown in the recognizable Imray colors: deep waters are blue and shallows are shown in whites. This configuration is the opposite of the DKW 1800, DKW German Bight and DKW English & Scottish Eastcoast.
Stentec publishes the DKW Imray series annually. All data is supplied by Imray. During the edition year 2 free updates are published in April and July, giving you the most up-to-date charts during your voyage.
This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o.
212 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (min. scale 1:3.500).
Chart image
The DKW Imray series are comprised of raster charts. Because of this, the charts are an exact copy of the paper versions and you will see pixels when zoomed in to the maximum amount. The advantage of this is that all information, for example buoyage or shallows, are projected on the exact coordinates. When using vector charts a misleading image can show up when zooming in.
All products in the DKW Imray series
DKW ID10 English & Scottish Eastcoast
DKW ID20 English Channel
DKW ID30 British Westcoast & Ireland
DKW ID40 France, Portugal to Gibraltar
DKW ID50 Mediterranean West
DKW ID60 Mediterranean Central
DKW ID70 Mediterranean East
DKW ID100 Caribbean East
System requirements
Windows laptop or PC:
Official WinGPS 5 version
780 MB free disc space
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
Official WinGPS Marine version
780 MB free disc space
Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM
This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS 5 Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS 5 Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.
DKW ID50: Mediterranean West
Since 2009 Stentec Software publishes the famous Imray charts digitally. These are based on the paper charts and feature the same well known Imray colors.
Covering area
The Mediterranean coast from Gibraltar up until the Northcoast of Sicily, including the Spanish Eastcoast, French Southcoast, Italian Westcoast, Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca, Corsica and Sardinia. Use this chart in combination with the Delius Klasing chart set for the Balearic Islands, the DKW DK9, for even more detail.
Depth image
The depths are shown in the recognizable Imray colors: deep waters are blue and shallows are shown in whites. This configuration is the opposite of the DKW 1800, DKW German Bight and DKW English & Scottish Eastcoast.
Stentec publishes the DKW Imray series annually. All data is supplied by Imray. During the edition year 2 free updates are published in April and July, giving you the most up-to-date charts during your voyage.
This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o.
128 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (min. scale 1:10.000).
Chart image
The DKW Imray series are comprised of raster charts. Because of this, the charts are an exact copy of the paper versions and you will see pixels when zoomed in to the maximum amount. The advantage of this is that all information, for example buoyage or shallows, are projected on the exact coordinates. When using vector charts a misleading image can show up when zooming in.
All products in the DKW Imray series
DKW ID10 English & Scottish Eastcoast
DKW ID20 English Channel
DKW ID30 British Westcoast & Ireland
DKW ID40 France, Portugal to Gibraltar
DKW ID50 Mediterranean West
DKW ID60 Mediterranean Central
DKW ID70 Mediterranean East
DKW ID100 Caribbean East
System requirements
Windows laptop or PC:
Official WinGPS 5 version
590 MB free disc space
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
Official WinGPS Marine version
590 MB free disc space
Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM
This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS 5 Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS 5 Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.
DKW ID60: Mediterranean Central
Since 2009 Stentec Software publishes the famous Imray charts digitally. These are based on the paper charts and feature the same well known Imray colors.
Covering area
The Mediterranean coast on the Adriatic and Ionic Sea: the eastcoast of Italy, the westcoast of Greece and the whole Slovenian and Croatian coast. Use this chart in combination with the Delius Klasing chart sets for Croatia, the DKW DK7 and DK8, for even more detail.
Depth image
The depths are shown in the recognizable Imray colors: deep waters are blue and shallows are shown in whites. This configuration is the opposite of the DKW 1800, DKW German Bight and DKW English & Scottish Eastcoast.
Stentec publishes the DKW Imray series annually. All data is supplied by Imray. During the edition year 2 free updates are published in April and July, giving you the most up-to-date charts during your voyage.
This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o.
117 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (min. scale 1:5.000).
Chart image
The DKW Imray series are comprised of raster charts. Because of this, the charts are an exact copy of the paper versions and you will see pixels when zoomed in to the maximum amount. The advantage of this is that all information, for example buoyage or shallows, are projected on the exact coordinates. When using vector charts a misleading image can show up when zooming in.
All products in the DKW Imray series
DKW ID10 English & Scottish Eastcoast
DKW ID20 English Channel
DKW ID30 British Westcoast & Ireland
DKW ID40 France, Portugal to Gibraltar
DKW ID50 Mediterranean West
DKW ID60 Mediterranean Central
DKW ID70 Mediterranean East
DKW ID100 Caribbean East
System requirements
Windows laptop or PC:
Official WinGPS 5 version
530 MB free disc space
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
Official WinGPS Marine version
530 MB free disc space
Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM
This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS 5 Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS 5 Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.
DKW ID100: Caribbean East
Since 2009 Stentec Software publishes the famous Imray charts digitally. These are based on the paper charts and feature the same well known Imray colors.
Covering area
The Caribbean Sea, including the islands:
Saint Vincent
Saint Lucia
Canal de Colmar
Iles des Saintes
Saint Christopher
Sint Eustatius
St Barthelemy
St Martin
Saint Croix
Virgin Gorda
St John
St Thomas
Depth image
The depths are shown in the recognizable Imray colors: deep waters are blue and shallows are shown in whites. This configuration is the opposite of the DKW 1800, DKW German Bight and DKW English & Scottish Eastcoast.
Stentec publishes the DKW Imray series annually. All data is supplied by Imray. During the edition year 2 free updates are published in April and July, giving you the most up-to-date charts during your voyage.
This hybrid chartset consists of, a.o.
128 Detailed charts for orientation and route planning (min. scale 1:2.500).
Chart image
The DKW Imray series are comprised of raster charts. Because of this, the charts are an exact copy of the paper versions and you will see pixels when zoomed in to the maximum amount. The advantage of this is that all information, for example buoyage or shallows, are projected on the exact coordinates. When using vector charts a misleading image can show up when zooming in.
All products in the DKW Imray series
DKW ID10 English & Scottish Eastcoast
DKW ID20 English Channel
DKW ID30 British Westcoast & Ireland
DKW ID40 France, Portugal to Gibraltar
DKW ID50 Mediterranean West
DKW ID60 Mediterranean Central
DKW ID70 Mediterranean East
DKW ID100 Caribbean East
System requirements
Windows laptop or PC:
Official WinGPS 5 version
650 MB free disc space
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 with DirectX 9 video card (or higher)
Android tablet or smartphone:
Official WinGPS Marine version
650 MB free disc space
Android operating system, minimum of 2 GB RAM
This chart set can be used in the free WinGPS 5 Lite for Windows and can also be installed in the WinGPS Marine apps for Android. For route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need WinGPS 5 Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.
Stentec charts
Stentec charts
Imray charts
Imray charts
Delius Klasing charts
Delius Klasing charts
Motorboat Simulator
Learn the most important aspects of sailing on the PC, such as docking, maneuvering and navigating with our very realistic Motorboat Simulator 1.2. The realistic water with variable flow and wind-based waves and the natural occuring wind with gusts and windshifts, are based on the techniques of our popular Sail Simulator 4.
Make use of the various available onboard instruments. Plot a route on the digital map, view your position with the GPS and navigate with your compass to the next waypoint. It is also possible to engage the autopilot and see how the tachometer responds to the waves that the ship encounters.
Your fleet consists of several types of ships, each with their own way of handling:
Single thrusted motor cruiser with bow thruster (32’, 4 tons, 65 hp).
Classic speed boat with outboard motor (14’, 18 hp).
Classic Dinghy (25’, 10 hp diesel).
Tugboat (64,6’, 150 hp diesel).
No Limit 1500, double thrusted Ocean cruiser (15 m, 18 tons, 2x480 hp).
KNRM Koning Willem 1 rescue boat (18.8m 28 tons, 2x1000 hp).
By default the Motorboat Simulator is single player. You will not encounter any other ships while playing. To make the digital sailing even more realistic, it is possible to sail with others. This can be done via the internet or via a local area network (LAN). This allows traffic rules to be tested or you can explore the coast of England together.
Sailing areas
The following areas are included in Motorboat Simulator. It is also possible to make your own areas with the scenery tool, or to import areas made by other users.
Ile d’Oussant – France
Bodenmeer – Germany
Vierwoudstedenmeer – Swiss
St Martin – Antilles
Motorboat Simulator instruction area (fictional)
System requirements:
Windows 95, 98, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 or 11. Pentium III 350Mhz, 64MB RAM, 175MB HD. DirectX 9 compatible video card.
Scenery designer toolkit
Maak uw eigen vaargebieden van DEM-files of digitaliseer van gescande navigatiekaarten. Er is een gratis demo inbegrepen voor het maken van kleine vaargebieden. Voor het maken van grotere vaargebieden heeft u de betaalde versie van de Scenery Designer Toolkit nodig.
€ 14,90
Sail Simulator 5
In 2009 Stentec proudly presented the latest version of the Sail Simulator 5 at HISWA: an extremely realistic sailing experience on your computer. Ideal for learning purposes or getting through the offseason.
Learning how to sail
Make a calm start with an optimist on the Frisian Fluessen and get a feeling of the wind in your sails. Operating the big lap and the helm is a big deal to start with!
Next, choose a more flashy model such as a Laser, Splash or Flash and experience how the ship is slanting or even overturns! No worries, with the press of a button your ship will turn upright again. Make a voyage on the Northsea, set your wind a bit higher and choose a catamaran, 29’er or 49’er. Or, if you are still learning about bigger sea waves, choose a Bavaria 36 or YD 40. You can even plot a course to learn how to navigate or how to sail into a harbour.
If you really got a hang of it you can get everything out of your ship by trimming the sails, controlling the sword and crew and maintaing the correct course and sail setups. The Regatta Valk or the fast Olympic 470 are excellent for this experience as these are no ships for beginners. Even if you don't have full control of these ships you are ready for the online gameplay. Racing against other players from all over the world.
Most sailors will know the feeling: sailing alone is about enjoying the wind through your hair and the beautiful sights. But when another ship comes along side it can turn into a race quickly.
You can now sail regattas when on your home computer, with Sail Simulator 5. You will be challenged to get even more out of your ship.
Create a (offline) LAN network and compete with friends and family. Choosing to compete online gives you the opportunity to race against players from all over the world! Your sailing performances are saved on your own personal account and will be visible on the rankings list. The ranking list can be found via the Sail Simulator community.
Regattas are updated regularly and new regattas are added by other Sail Simulator 5 players. Subscribe to these regattas or create your own regatta and others will participate.
Easy and flexible user interface.
Stable multiplayer server for long distance regattas.
Realistic aerodynamics with wind shear and twist.
True to nature wave field and sea wearthiness.
Sailing areas
Cabrera: Group of island south of Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea. Protected nature area with sheltered bay on the main Cabrera island (Goat Island).
Koh Hong: Sailing between tropical islands in Thailand. Clear blue water and steep cliffs. Beware of the rocks on the seabed and sudden wind drops behind the islands.
Scheveningen, Den Haag: City, beach, pier and harbour are highly detailed for an unsurpassed sailing experience.
Treasure Island: Fantasy island with buried treasure, made specifically for regattas. Lots of water, wind and little land. Beware of the shallows at the northeast side of the island!
Fluessen: The home port for Stentec in Friesland. This freshwater area is perfect for youth boat matches. Available in the Add on - 'Boat Set 1'
System requirements:
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 or 11 with DirectX9 videcard (or higher).
At this moment Sail Simulator is no longer in development. Your remarks and suggestions are highly appreciated and will be put to good use once a new version of Sail Simulator will be developed. You can contact us via
Get €20 off the Premium Subscription now and keep your journey on course with the latest WinGPS! Plan your routes with even more ease: the 2025 edition of...
Includes free updates – download now! The 2025 editions of the DKW German Bight and DKW German Baltic Sea Coast are now available! With the included updates,...
New charts are available! The 2025 edition of the renewed DKW Southern France and the DKW UK1 English & Scottisch East Coast are now available for download....
Stentec Navigation is specialised in digital navigation for water sporters and commercial shipping.
Sail Simulator 5
In 2009 Stentec proudly presented the latest version of the Sail Simulator 5 at HISWA: an extremely realistic sailing experience on your computer. Ideal for learning purposes or getting through the offseason.
Easy and flexible user interface.
Stable multiplayer server for long distance regattas.