DKW 1800 series

Since 1999 Stentec Software produces the digital versions of the Dutch hydroraphical charts. Thanks to the weekly BaZ Update Service you will always have the latest, most up-to-date charts.

At a time like this, where there is no certainty about the releases of the paper 1800 chart series by the Dutch Hydrographic Services, this is a unique product. With the free weekly update service and the ability to use the charts on Windows devices as well as on Android devices, an up-to-date chart of these busy and unpredictable waters is always at hand. As soon as a new paper version of a chart set is released, users can download these directly in digital form. If desired, the charts can also be printed for personal use.

The Waddensea charts DKW 1811 and DKW 1812 are supplied with monthly updated depth marks from Rijkswaterstaat. Great when sailing on the tidal waters of the Wadden Sea.

Covering area
The following DKW1800 series are included in this set:

  • DKW 1801 Northsea coast: the Panne to Den Helder
  • DKW 1803 Westerschelde: Vlissingen to Antwerpen
  • DKW 1805 Oosterschelde: Veerse Meer and Grevelingenmeer
  • DKW 1807 Zoommeer, Volkerak, Spui, Haringvliet and Hollandsch Diep
  • DKW 1810 IJsselmeer: Markermeer, Randmeren and Noordzeekanaal
  • DKW 1811 Wadden Sea West: Wadden Sea West and adjourning North Sea coast
  • DKW 1812 Wadden Sea East: Wadden Sea East and adjourning North Sea coast

The DKW 1809 is no longer issued by the Hydrographic Service. This chart set covered the area: Nieuwe Waterweg, Nieuwe and Oude Maas, Spui and Noord Dordtsche Kil and the Brielse Meer. You can now use the DKW Vaarkaart Nederland (Complete or South) for this area. More info about the DKW Vaarkaart Nederland can be found here .

Depth image

The DKW 1800 series contains a clear depth image and is the same as the well known paper version of the 1800 charts. Deep water is white and shallows are shown in different colors.

Stentec publishes the DKW 1800 series annually. The data is provided by the Dutch hydrographic service and the free weekly updates are based on the 'BaZ - Berichten aan Zeevarenden' (NtM - Notices to Mariners). User remarks are also screened and added to the charts which makes these chart sets the most up-to-date chart for the Dutch coastal waters.

Chart image

The DKW 1800 series contains raster charts. This makes these charts look exactly the same as the paper version and you can see the pixels when zooming in. This has the advantage that the information, such as buoyage or shallows, are on the exact coordinates. This is in contrast to vector charts where a distorted image can be shown when zooming in.

On the Wadden Sea, the current depth status of Rijkswaterstaat is included. This contains the current depths, both in NAP and LAT, with the measurement date at that exact location. As soon as new information is available from RWS, these points are updated and an update becomes available for you. This current depth status is shown as waypoints on the chart and can be switched on/off manually. Ideal for planning a route over a tidal flat!

All products in the DKW 1800 series
Click on an image for more information.

DKW 1800 Complete

DKW 1800 North

DKW 1800 South

DKW 1801:
North Sea coast

DKW 1803:

DKW 1805:

DKW 1807:
Haringvliet and
Hollandsch Diep

DKW 1809:
Nieuwe waterweg

DKW 1810:

DKW 1811:
Wadden Sea west

DKW 1812:
Wadden Sea east

System Requirements:
Please check via the link below whether your device is
suitable for this chart and WinGPS.

This chart can be used in the free WinGPS Lite for Windows and can also be installed on the WinGPS Marine apps for Android and iOS. For accurate route planning with rotating chart and AIS you will need at least WinGPS Pro or the paid version of WinGPS Marine. Click here for more information about the WinGPS series.

Connecting chart sets

DKW 1800 serie

Click on one of the above areas for a direct link to the chart set.
