WinGPS 5 Inland 2019 Release History |
Legend: |
Addes    |
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Removed    |
Info    |
Version (04-07-2024) |
AIS tracks added. |
AIS label color can now be selected. |
The simulator can now use data from a connected AIS receiver simultaneously. |
Clicking an MMSI number in the AIS target information now searches for more information on the internet. |
When Tidal service GRIB is selected as source for depth, the depth will no longer be 0 where there is no data available for a location or time. |
WinGPS could crash if the precipitation was shown in the GRIB meteogram using the new version of Harmonie GRIB data. This has been fixed. |
WinGPS would crash if the position lies in areas where the sun does not rise or set. This has been fixed. |
CourseUp tracking mode did not work correctly in routeplanning mode (XPL). This has been fixed. |
The route overview did not show the new route while making a new one, but showed the last selected route. This has been fixed. |
A number of smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (18-03-2024) |
First release of the WinGPS 6 Inland 2024 edition. |
Improvements regarding splitting up the source for depths and for tide heights. |
Installation of charts from within WinGPS did not work. This has been fixed. |
A couple of smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (06-02-2024) |
First beta version of the WinGPS 6 Inland 2024 edition. |
It is now possible to send a user report from WinGPS. |
The datasource tide height for routes has been split up into a source for depths and for tide height. Depths can now be extracted from an S57 chart or from a suitable GRIB file. |
It is now possible to use the Euris server as source for the shipping notifications. This will add notifications for a lot of other European countries besides the Netherlands. |
Shipping notifications can now turned off, show all, or only show those along the selected route. The track along the fairway along which a shipping notification is valid can also be shown. |
WinGPS will now notify when outdated charts are being used and from the chart manager it is possible to directly go to the web shop for that chart. |
The news center now shows a message when a recently bought chart set has not been installed yet. It is also smarter and will startup faster. |
Error reports are no longer send by email. So the user does not need a mail program anymore. |
Startup of WinGPS when a user has lots of routes and waypoints was slower than necesarry. This has been fixed. |
WinGPS could hang when sailing times were being used and a stop was necessary both at the start and end of a day. This has been fixed. |
Wind speed and direction could be calculated wrong (and even negative) in routes. This has been fixed. |
Lots of other smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (03-10-2023) |
Support for default transparent color of the 2024 editions of our chartsets. |
Tide data for 2024 has been added. |
The KNMI weather stations did not work anymore. This has been fixed. |
Parts of sections that are unpassable in a shortest route without blockades were not shown properly. This has been fixed. |
Numerous other smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (12-07-2023) |
The text size of the AIS target labels can now be scaled up in the viewer settings. |
WinGPS could crash if the news center was not closed and the program would search for updates after a day of using WinGPS. This has been fixed. |
Multiple smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (30-06-2023) |
Automatic detection of gps and ais can now be turned off in the instrument manager. |
Route points of an open route (a route that does not follow the route network) would only show in the route explorer if 'Explore routes' was turned on. This has been fixed. |
WinGPS can sometimes crash while drawing AIS targets. A possible fix for this has been implemented. |
Multiple smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (12-06-2023) |
Added an option to disable the (T)CPA alarm when other ais targets are stationary (SOG < 0.5kn). |
Showing GRIB-files was not remembered and needed to be turned on everytime. This has been fixed. |
Version (08-06-2023) |
Added an option to disable the (T)CPA alarm when your own vessel is stationary (SOG < 0.5kn). |
The range for oncoming AIS targets in the route explorer has been set to 10 km. For overtaking it stays at 2 km. |
Version (07-06-2023) |
It is now possible (when there is an active IENC update service Nederland subscription) to connect tide stations to the depths in S57-kaarten. This is now in beta test phase. |
Added an option to disable the (T)CPA alarm when both ships are on the same fairway (and this fairway has an allowed depth and width). |
Overtaking AIS targets in the route explorer will only be added if they have a greater speed than your own ship and the maximum range for the AIS targets in the route explorer now is 2 km. |
Finally fixed an error when the amount of objects in the route explorer was smaller than the own ship and overtaking AIS targets. |
GRIB file could not be deleted from the GRIB manager. This has been fixed. |
A couple of smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (23-05-2023) |
Navigate to now has an extra option to use sailing times. This will not start the chosen route, but will put it in edit mode, so the sailing times can be used. |
When an activated WinGPS was started without internet, not every menu or function would be available. This has been fixed. |
Version (19-05-2023) |
First release of the WinGPS 6 Inland 2023 edition. |
See other media for changes from WinGPS 5. |
Version (09-01-2019) |
We released the first version of WinGPS Inland Navigation. |