WinGPS 6 Navigator 2023 Release Historie |
Legend:    |
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Info    |
Version (03-10-2023) |
Support for default transparent color of the 2024 editions of our chartsets. |
Parts of sections that are unpassable in a shortest route without blockades were not shown properly. This has been fixed. |
Numerous other smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (12-07-2023) |
WinGPS could crash if the news center was not closed and the program would search for updates after a day of using WinGPS. This has been fixed. |
Multiple smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (30-06-2023) |
WinGPS 6 Navigator now turns into a limited free version (somewhat similar to the old WinGPS 5 Lite) if no valid license for it can be found. |
More navigation information is now available in the route explorer on open route legs (legs that do not follow the route network). |
A number of smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (12-06-2023) |
Showing GRIB-files was not remembered and needed to be turned on everytime. This has been fixed.
Version (07-06-2023) |
GRIB file could not be deleted from the GRIB manager. This has been fixed. |
A couple of smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (23-05-2023) |
When an activated WinGPS was started without internet, not every menu or function would be available. This has been fixed. |
Version (17-05-2023) |
Added an explore routes button. Only when this function has been enabled, will the route explorer and the chart viewer react to the timebar regarding routes. |
The temporary navigation route can now be turned off. And it will no longer send NMEA messages to an autopilot. |
It is now possible again to choose the amount and size of the distance circles. |
The dusk and night color schemes for the S57 charts has been coupled to the WinGPS nightscreen. |
A route start and stop button has been added to start the selected route and stop an active route. |
The GPS and waterway section of the route explorer can now be switched between being at the top or at the bottom of the explorer. |
While detecting a gps, WinGPS will no longer overwrite an existing connection. |
Numerous other smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (13-04-2023) |
A crash that could occur when the temporary navigation route was created and removed has been fixed. |
A number of other fixes and improvements. |
Version (06-04-2023) |
An error resulting from timing problems when the newscenter was loading and routes were being planned has been fixed. This could lead to crashes while using or when closing WinGPS. |
Version (24-03-2023) |
Sloping ground is now also not shown when you select the options to not show land objects for S57 charts. |
Removing charts in WinGPS now works the same as installing them. |
Chart collections of charts installed with WinGPS are now read immediately after installing. |
WinGPS could crash when selecting the option to install/update charts. |
Sometimes WinGPS would show charts that were activated using DKW Manager as unactivated and activating them using WinGPS would also not work. |
A number of other fixes and improvements. |
Version (15-03-2023) |
First release of the WinGPS 6 Navigator 2023 edition. |
Switching between navigation view and overview. |
Automatic detection and installation of (usb) com-ports for gps. |
Switching between fuel and electric motor settings. |
WinGPS now supports optional additional plugins like our iENC Update Service and others. |
'Navigate to' has been renamed to route planner and has been expanded. |
Numerous other smaller fixes and improvements. |
Version (21-12-2022) |
First release of the WinGPS 6 Navigator, the 2022 edition. |
See other media for changes from WinGPS 5. |
WinGPS 5 Navigator 2021 Release History |
Legend:    |
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Info    |
Version (31-03-2021) |
Notifications have been added for all alarms and a number of other actions. |
The route info for a route of the route network now more clearly shows (with colors) if a bridge can be passed with or without operation. |
A number of other smaller fixes and changes. |
Version (25-02-2021) |
Release of the WinGPS 5 Navigator 2021 edition. |
Startup time when there are a lot of routes has been improved. |
S57 charts can now be added to chart collections. |
Scale value can be added below the scale bar. |
Lots of other smaller fixes, changes and improvements. |
WinGPS 5 Navigator 2020 Release History |
Legend:    |
Added    |
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Fixed    |
Removed    |
Info    |
Version (25-01-2021) |
Saving changed ship dimensions did not work. This has been fixed. |
Version (21-12-2020) |
Routes were not planned. This has been fixed. |
Version (16-12-2020) |
Support for default transparent color of the 2021 editions of our chartsets. |
Automatic updates of downloaded GRIB files. |
Certain COM-ports weren't detected properly (i.e. for em-trak devices). This has been fixed. |
A number of other smaller fixes, changes and improvements. |
Version (04-02-2020) |
Release of the WinGPS 5 Navigator 2020 edition. |
Automatic updates of downloaded GRIB files. |
The average waiting time for locks and movable bridges can now be set per bridge/lock. |
WinGPS can now use more memory on 64-bits Windows systems. |
Optimizations in the use of S57 charts. |
Lots of other smaller fixes, changes and improvements. |