Frequently asked questions about WinGPS Marine for iOS

Below you will find an overview of frequently asked questions about the WinGPS Marine app for the iPhone and iPad.

Click on the question to which you want an answer.


WinGPS 5 or WinGPS Marine?

Can I connect my board instruments to WinGPS?

Can I connect AIS to WinGPS?

WinGPS Marine: General

What are the system requirements?

Wat zijn de verschillen tussen WinGPS Marine Lite en de DKW-kaarten-apps?

Hoe kan ik upgraden naar de betaalde versie van WinGPS Marine?

What are the abbreviations used in the settings screen and instrument monitor?

Where can I fill in the measurements of my ship?

WinGPS Marine: Charts

Is it possible to use the charts from the DKW Chart apps for WinGPS 5 on my PC or laptop?

Is it possible to use my DKW charts that I now use in WinGPS 5 on my iPad or iPhone?

Is it possible to use my DKW charts that I now use in WinGPS Marine (Android) on my iPad or iPhone?

Is it possible to use WinGPS Marine Lite without DKW charts?

Kan de DKW 1800-app op mijn tablet de papieren kaartenset van de Hydrografische dienst vervangen?

What do the blue triangles mean on the Wadden sea?

Wat zijn die rode lijnen op mijn kaart en hoe verwijder ik deze?

Why can't I see any buoys on my chart?

How do I remove old charts?

Can I follow my GPS position?

Can I see the operating times for the bridges and locks?

WinGPS Marine: Navigating

How to place a waypoint and how to navigate to this waypoint?

How do I change the units from nautical (nmiles or knots) to inland (meters or km/h)?

How to plot a route?

Waarom is mijn routelijn roze in plaats van rood?

Hoe navigeer ik naar een punt op de kaart?

I don't see any waypoints or names of the cities and waters.

I don't see the route network.

Kan ik het routenetwerk ook uitzetten?

Kan ik gemaakte routes ook onzichtbaar maken?

How to export the routes, tracks or waypoints from my laptop to my tablet, or the other way around?

How to show GRIB files (weather forecast) on my chart?

WinGPS Marine: Instruments

De GPS-cursor is soms rood. Wat betekent dit?

Can I replace the GPS cursor to have a better overview of the chart?

Kan ik de kaarten ook op mijn SD-kaart zetten om opslagruimte besparen?

How to connect board instruments to WinGPS Marine?

I don't have enough space on my device for the app and charts. Do you have any tips?

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