The new edition for DKW Vaarkaart the Netherlands is available. These charts can be used with WinGPS 5 for Windows and WinGPS Marine for Android.
You can buy the 2016 edition of DKW Vaarkaart the Netherlands in our webshop. With the purchase of the 2016 versions you will automatically receive all updates for these charts, which will become available in the course of 2016.
This chart is released anually by Stentec using data from the Top10NL-data, Inland ENC-charts, the Dutch watermanagement and user remarks.
New in 2016
There were a lot of updates for these charts, including:
- IENC chart Zeeland of RWS from week 7 2016 with a very actual depth image of Zeeland.(See illustration 1)
- New depth measurements were taken on the IJsselmeer, Markermeer and Randmeren and forbidden & special areas are added.(See illustration 2)
- The buoys are updated with the RWS file from 19 february 2016 and the BaZ from week 9. Also added are the june 2015 buoys from Provincie Groningen (Reitdiep, Zuidlaardermeer & Blauwe stad).
- Alongside the Waal, from Wamels until Ophemert, -langsdammen- are added to the inside bend and -strekdammen- are removed from the outer bend. (Zie afbeelding 3)
- The buoys file from Provincie Fryslân will be renewed as soon as it is available. This also contains the Marrekrite and VarenDoeJeSamen files. This update is expected in April/May.
- The new passage harbour Heegerwal in Heeg is added based upon GPS readings. Watersportvereniging Heeg has also been added.
- Newest depth measurements are added for the Frisian lakes. Including Multibeam measurements for the Aldefeanen (Prinsenhof) (See illustration 4).
- New: Depth measurements for the Harlingvliet and Hollandsch Diep (See illustration 5).
- Windmill park added in Noordermeerdijk between Lemmer and Urk based upon sattelite images.
- Tulpeiland added near Zeewolde (In the Wolderwijd).
If you have the last editions of the charts, we have a special offer to upgrade to the 2016 editions. While in our online shop, choose your current edition at the 'upgrade from' option to receive the offer.