Opening hours

In order to offer you the most efficient and good service possible, our store in Heeg will remain open by appointment only for the time being. We would like to ask you to make an appointment by telephone: +31 515 443515. We will of course remain available by e-mail and telephone during the opening hours below.

Our helpdesk is open from monday to friday from 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM.
The back office can be reached by telephone from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Callback service
We now have the Callback service exclusively for Service Subscribers. Do you have a question for our helpdesk? Then you fill in the callback service form and we will do our best to call you back the same day.

Stentec servicepoint Heeg
You are welcome to visit our store in Heeg to take a look at our navigation- and simulationsoftware. We can give you demonstrations on our software and advise you which software is best suited for your needs. We offer installation of your newly bought software on PC, Tablet or Smartphone for only €20,- per product per device. This way you are guaranteed of having everything installed and working properly. GPS- and AIS systems are available in the shop and can also be installed.

Heeg is located at the Heegermeer, about 10km from Sneek, which is approximately an hours drive from Amsterdam or Utrecht. You can reach us by boat from the Heegermeer. You can dock at the harbor "Heeger Wal". Our office is integrated with the store at the same adress.

Harinxmastrjitte 29,
8621BJ Heeg
T +31 (0) 515 443515 or

Chamber of Commerce number (KvK): 01093522
VAT number: NL809901262B01

A dealer near you?
Our Authorized WinGPS dealers can tell you everything you need to know about WinGPS. They can demonstrate our products and will give advice about the correct software according to your preferences.