Android subscription - DKW the Netherlands

Recently we added a subscription service for the DKW the Netherlands for Android devices! Giving you the option to navigate on the dutch water ways with a highly detailed water chart for a nominal fee.

With this app you can purchase a subscription for our Dutch inland water chart and easily create simple routes. Navigating on a tablet or smartphone becomes particularly suitable for sailboats and motorboats as well as dinghies, fisherboats and canoes.

For only € 15,- you can start using the DKW the Netherlands North or South for a month on an Android tablet or smartphone. With your first subscription you will receive a free 3-day trial period.

Thanks to the biweekly updates, the accurate surface chart and the help of many long-time users this chart always remains up-to-date. With nearly 40.000 waypoints all information on buoys, harbours, berths, diesel filling stations, watersport campings and VHF channels can be found on the chart. With a scale of 2 meter per pixel the chart has a large detailed view and makes it possible to zoom in up until your home port.

North or South for € 15,-

Try now for 3 days free of charge

Navigation on a tablet

Navigation has never been this easy thanks to the DKW the Netherlands app. After downloading the chart files and turning on the (internal) GPS, you will immediately see your speed, course and position on the chart. By placing a navigational waypoint on the chart, the shortest route to this point will be plotted on the route network. Giving you information about the total distance to your destination and estimated time of arrival when maintaining your current speed. Discover how simple mobile navigation can be!

Please mind: when plotting a route in the app measurements for bridges, locks and waterways are not taken into account. Our Android app WinGPS Marine does take these measurements into account. Click here for more info on WinGPS Marine.

More info on subscriptions

Payment is done via Google Play and subscriptions are extended automatically. When you cancel your subscription you will continue to have access to the charts up until the end of your last subscription period.

For more information on Google Play subscriptions click here.

With a subscription you are able to view the chart in the 'DKW the Netherlands' app. When you want more functionalities or want to use the chart set on your Windows system as well, you can order a full license in our online shop. The chart set can then be used in WinGPS Marine (Android) or WinGPS 5 (Windows).

Important note: Your subscription will not be automatically cancelled when you delete the app from your device. You need to cancel your subscription manually. When you remove the app without cancelling your subscription, payments will still continue. Follow this link for more information on cancelling subscriptions.

For only € 15,- you can use the DKW the Netherlands North or South on an Android tablet of smartphone for a month. After the DKW the Netherlands other well-known Stentec chart sets will be added to the subscription service, among which the DKW1800 series with weekly BaZ updates.

To go to the ‘DKW the Netherlands’ app in Google Play click here.

Frequently asked questions - FAQ
Click on a question to see the answer.

What can I do with this app?

Are there subscriptions for other chart sets?

Can I use the subscription in combination with WinGPS Marine?

Can I use the app on multiple devices?

How do I pay?

How do I use the free trial period?

Why do I need to select a payment form and enter my personal details?

How can I cancel my subscription?