Installation of WinGPS Inland and DKW charts (Windows).
After you have purchased WinGPS Inland, it is important that you install the product correctly on your PC. By following the steps below you will be assured that the most important elements will be installed and set.

1. WinGPS Inland - Installation

  1. Go to the download overview in your Stentec account.
  2. Here you will find the version of WinGPS Inland which is available for you to download. Click on the download button next to it.
  3. Open the downloaded setup file.
  4. Select the language which you want to use during the installation and click 'OK'.
  5. Click 'Next'.
  6. Enter your license number and click 'Next'.
  7. You can find your license numbers in the e-mail you have received after the purchase of the product, or in the activation overview in your Stentec account.

  8. Choose the folder where you want to install the product. If you don't have a prefered folder, you can choose the default chart folder. Click 'Next'.
  9. Enter a name for the folder in which you can start WinGPS Inland from the Windows start menu. If you don't have a prefered folder, you can choose the default folder name. Click 'Next'.
  10. Click ‘Install’ to start the installation.
  11. After the installation is finished, click 'OK'.

2. WinGPS Inland - Activation

3. WinGPS Inland - Updating

4. DKW Manager - Installation

5. DKW Manager - Installing DKW charts

6. WinGPS Inland - Ship properties

7. WinGPS Inland - GPS receiver